
Marching Band

Band Festival


Disney Trip



Concession Stand

FORMS, Rules, etc.

















Booster Meeting

There is a Booster Meeting this Thursday @7pm in the Band Room.



FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4th - Meet at 5:15 at the YMCA and perform at 5:45 till about 6:45. Please dress appropriately for the weather. Right now the forecast is high of 45 and low of 27, no precipitation.


Chaperone Clearances

Hi All,

There are a couple of more forms that the school requires when you turn in your clearances. They are included below. They will give them to you when you go to turn in your clearances, but to save time feel free to print them out and take them with you.

I have not looked into it, but it appears that Governer Ridge has waived the clearance fee. So if this was holding you back from getting clearances no need to now. From what I understand if you already have paid you will not get reimbursed.

The madatory training is also available online know. Go to the Northgate website for details.

If you have already turned in your clearances or are planning on turning in your clearances please email me. I am putting a list together to give to the school so we know who has turned in clearances. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!

Thank you,
Greg Tadda VP2


About Receiving Band Texts:

If you wish to receive text messages regarding band, please follow the instructions below.

    1. Go to your text app on your phone.
    2. Click the compose button (looks like a piece of paper & pen)
    3. In the recipient/to box type: vp2@northgateflamesband.org
    4. In the message box type: Add me & your name (so I know who you are)
    5. Do not email me you must TEXT this to me.

This will give me your phones email address. We will then add this email to your contact information and you will receive text messages for updates and reminders.

We will only use this for brief texts and not for long emails.

Please consider that you may be charged for text messages by your carrier. Northgate Band Boosters is not responsible for any charges you may incur.

Thank you,

Greg Tadda 
Northgate Band Boosters


About Emails:

You should be receiving emails from the president and VP2, treasurer email addresses as well as secretary emails.

If you are not please check your spam folder, first. If they are in spam folder add both of those accounts to your contact list so they no longer go to spam.

If you do not have any emails in spam, please let me know so I can add your email to our 2014-2015 distribution list.

If you have any questions about this let me know.

Thank you,

Greg Tadda 
Northgate Band Boosters


NBB Twitter Account




Northgate School District Insurance Info


General Information